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February 06, 2025. 22:34:53 *
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News: Currently through this forum ( also is possible make the register in the project (was activated because the size of already is very big).**********Regards and zest.   

Know that although is something that is understand as logic, is important have clear that as in all development phases of projects in creation: the functioning, configurations, ... are updated/modified each time that is detected something that impedes the final functioning of the rest of things and the same occurs with the content of the document, of the group, Terms (conditions of use) & Privacy policy and the rest of pages/articles/documents of the websites of the group although as their content guides the project´s development in its case usually the things are completed.

Merry christmas and happy year 2025.

December 18, 2024: Today it was needed to restore the hosting account content to yesterday, therefore some accounts of this forum simply disappeared and should be created again, sorry by the inconvenience.

December 1, 2024:
Part of the point 5 of the group document: Terms (conditions of use) & Privacy policy (in Spanish, original text):
Sepa que los websites del grupo funcionan haciendo uso de la herramienta que les permite desviar automáticamente las visitas procedentes de los visitantes que estén visitando demasiadas (35 o más) secciones/páginas del website en un corto periodo de tiempo (5 segundos), normalmente la visita es redirigida instantáneamente a un punto de este documento del grupo.
Part of the point 30 of the group document: Terms (conditions of use) & Privacy policy (in Spanish, original text): Current paragraph regarding the disputes affair, increased again on December 15, 2024.

April 4, 2024: Hard beginning of year but very positive. The final structuring and functioning (of the group's websites) that are being achieved are better than expected.

January 10, 2024: Finally, it is not necessary to suppress the use of the ad modalities: Featured link and Popup. Additionally, in the group's websites it will be possible to verify (in all cases and ad modalities): which user account showed the ad [usually during the complains processing regarding the ad's content, through the admin tasks of the Subject (Websitename) Inappropriate ad (Report ad or Official fax)].

Recent advances in the lower part of the Register section.

Regarding this (result that appears mainly in Google searchs): ,
obviously some data included are lie/fake (email address and domains of this project asociated to such company).

      ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright © forum [part of (group of websites and forums,]
  Home Help Search   Login   Register: You are requesting open an account and giving permission to (authorizing) receive communications from this project.  
With the use of the account the user accepts/recognizes that is knower that the regulators of the activity of the user accounts are the documents of the group of websites and forums and therefore is authorizing them for such function, besides using the account the user accepts/consents the use of the cookies of the forum.

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**********If really you want take adventage fully the functioning of the group of websites and forums the most important that you must make is know at detail the document of the group: Terms (conditions of use) & Privacy policy, because so will be as you will know the totality of the options of get money, ... that the group is providing to you.**********