ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright © forum [part of (group of websites and forums,]
February 06, 2025. 22:46:07 *
Welcome, Guest. Please login or register.
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News: Currently through this forum ( also is possible make the register in the project (was activated because the size of already is very big).**********Regards and zest.   

Know that although is something that is understand as logic, is important have clear that as in all development phases of projects in creation: the functioning, configurations, ... are updated/modified each time that is detected something that impedes the final functioning of the rest of things and the same occurs with the content of the document, of the group, Terms (conditions of use) & Privacy policy and the rest of pages/articles/documents of the websites of the group although as their content guides the project´s development in its case usually the things are completed.

Merry christmas and happy year 2025.

December 18, 2024: Today it was needed to restore the hosting account content to yesterday, therefore some accounts of this forum simply disappeared and should be created again, sorry by the inconvenience.

December 1, 2024:
Part of the point 5 of the group document: Terms (conditions of use) & Privacy policy (in Spanish, original text):
Sepa que los websites del grupo funcionan haciendo uso de la herramienta que les permite desviar automáticamente las visitas procedentes de los visitantes que estén visitando demasiadas (35 o más) secciones/páginas del website en un corto periodo de tiempo (5 segundos), normalmente la visita es redirigida instantáneamente a un punto de este documento del grupo.
Part of the point 30 of the group document: Terms (conditions of use) & Privacy policy (in Spanish, original text): Current paragraph regarding the disputes affair, increased again on December 15, 2024.

April 4, 2024: Hard beginning of year but very positive. The final structuring and functioning (of the group's websites) that are being achieved are better than expected.

January 10, 2024: Finally, it is not necessary to suppress the use of the ad modalities: Featured link and Popup. Additionally, in the group's websites it will be possible to verify (in all cases and ad modalities): which user account showed the ad [usually during the complains processing regarding the ad's content, through the admin tasks of the Subject (Websitename) Inappropriate ad (Report ad or Official fax)].

Recent advances in the lower part of the Register section.

Regarding this (result that appears mainly in Google searchs): ,
obviously some data included are lie/fake (email address and domains of this project asociated to such company).

      ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright © forum [part of (group of websites and forums,]
  Home Help Search Login   Register: You are requesting open an account and giving permission to (authorizing) receive communications from this project.    
Register: You are requesting open an account and giving permission to (authorizing) receive communications from this project. - Required Information
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Used only for identification by SMF.
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Only the admin can use this forum for any necessary thing or issuAs member:
You agree, through your use of this forum, that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, adult material, or otherwise in violation of any International or United States Federal law. You also agree not to post any copyrighted material unless you own the copyright or you have written consent from the owner of the copyrighted material. Spam, flooding, advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are also forbidden on this forum.

Note that it is impossible for the staff or the owners of this forum to confirm the validity of posts. Please remember that we do not actively monitor the posted messages, and as such, are not responsible for the content contained within. We do not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information presented. The posted messages express the views of the author, and not necessarily the views of this forum, its staff, its subsidiaries, or this forum's owner. Anyone who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to notify an administrator or moderator of this forum immediately. The staff and the owner of this forum reserve the right to remove objectionable content, within a reasonable time frame, if they determine that removal is necessary. This is a manual process, however, please realize that they may not be able to remove or edit particular messages immediately. This policy applies to member profile information as well.

You remain solely responsible for the content of your posted messages. Furthermore, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the owners of this forum, any related websites to this forum, its staff, and its subsidiaries. The owners of this forum also reserve the right to reveal your identity (or any other related information collected on this service) in the event of a formal complaint or legal action arising from any situation caused by your use of this forum.

You have the ability, as you register, to choose your username. We advise that you keep the name appropriate. With this user account you are about to register, you agree to never give your password out to another person except an administrator, for your protection and for validity reasons. You also agree to NEVER use another person's account for any reason.  We also HIGHLY recommend you use a complex and unique password for your account, to prevent account theft.

After you register and login to this forum, you will be able to fill out a detailed profile. It is your responsibility to present clean and accurate information. Any information the forum owner or staff determines to be inaccurate or vulgar in nature will be removed, with or without prior notice. Appropriate sanctions may be applicable.

Please note that with each post, your IP address is recorded, in the event that you need to be banned from this forum or your ISP contacted. This will only happen in the event of a major violation of this agreement.

Also note that the software places a cookie, a text file containing bits of information (such as your username and password), in your browser's cache. This is ONLY used to keep you logged in/out. The software does not collect or send any other form of information to your computer.

When you make the register you are accepting:
-Comply this initial sketch of our privacy policy (currently is being revised and improved according to the needs that have arisen during the development phase of the project, the part of functioning of the websites will be available only for users): this topic was eliminated because was very simple and currently would can be simply the begin of a idea (currently in this agreement you get a most complete concept about the functioning of the group of websites and forums and so is avoid that some people think that reading a simple document already are accepting the current content of the document of the group that will regulate his functioning), now all is more complete that before,
-This future operation (function) of the group of sites.

Thanks for make your register, this is that makes possible the development of this project.
After of make the register in the project: the member receives an email that includes, between others, some texts about the document of the group: Terms (conditions of use) & Privacy policy and the functioning of the group of websites and forums. The forum not make any type of processing of personal data for send the email, in a future [when exist the definitive document of the group: Terms (conditions of use) & Privacy policy and the own content of the sections also be definitive] the forum will send other email to the members of the project that be recipients of him (accounts not activated) and, in principle, the email will be send starting of the ip addresses corresponding to the countries that finally be part of the sales destination of the websites of the group and in where the ip address not be personal data (the other option would be send the email to all not activated accounts of the forum, regardless of account details); the same will happen when be created user accounts in the websites of the group starting from the list of members registered in the project (this possibility exist and will be the member who decide if activate the account/s or not after of receive the email whose content is:
Hello (username of the account),

You must verify your email address for account activation!
Please goto the following URL in your browser:
http://(Website name)/index.php?view=verify&id=... .

Username: ...

Activation ID: ...

-(Website name) Admin

You are receiving this email because this email address was
supplied during registration at (Website name). If you
did not register an account here, please contact us.
************************************************************), the creation of the accounts would be made by the own group (if is needed). Regarding possible problematics about the text of the email: although the members of the project know that the user account probably was created by the administration department if an user not want activate an account that not was created by he/she must know that the point 3 of the document of the group: Terms (conditions of use) & Privacy policy say, in spanish (original text):
Como es lógico las cuentas de usuario que acumulen un largo periodo de tiempo de inactividad podrán ser suspendidas de acceso o eliminadas sin aviso y sin que el website tenga que guardar una prueba del motivo (previamente los websites del grupo las almacenan de manera automática en la sección a través de la cual es posible suspenderlas de acceso o eliminarlas); de la misma manera las cuentas de usuario cuya dirección email no ha llegado a ser verificada dentro de los 5 días siguientes a su creación también pueden ser eliminadas sin aviso y sin que el website tenga que guardar una prueba del motivo de su eliminación (las cuentas de usuario que hayan sido creadas y que no hayan sido verificadas mediante la dirección email que la cuenta utilizaría son almacenas por el website automáticamente sin que sea mostrado ningún detalle identificativo de dichas cuentas).
La sección My warnings, en el panel de la cuenta de usuario, detalla todos los motivos y circunstancias que causan sanción económica, suspensión de acceso y eliminación de cuentas de usuario.
Los websites del grupo también cuentan con una sección que almacena las cuentas de usuario eliminadas (como es lógico este tipo de sección forma parte del panel de administración del website y el funcionamiento de los websites y foros del grupo no incluye la realización de ningún tipo de tratamiento de datos personales); and the point 6 of such document of the group say: aunque en el texto anterior figure que podría contactar con el website, sepa que en caso de que usted reciba dicho email para que active una cuenta de usuario de alguno de los websites del grupo y decida no activarla porque la cuenta no fue creada por usted: no es necesario contactar con el website ya que, como puede comprobar en el punto 3 de este documento del grupo, las cuentas de usuario que hayan sido creadas y que no hayan sido verificadas mediante la dirección email que la cuenta utilizaría son almacenas por el website automáticamente sin que sea mostrado ningún detalle identificativo de dichas cuentas y porteriormente son eliminadas, con posterioridad a la eliminación de la cuenta de usuario tampoco se realizará ningún tipo de tratamiento de datos personales.
As is logic the databases of the group not send information to third parts and besides the emails that the members registered in the project can receive through the forum of the group in where they are registered are not sent with respect to, or starting from, their personal data nor with the objective of doing direct marketing based in their treatment (exist the possibility that the project uses the information of contact included in the profiles by the members for to inform them regarding his evolution, the development phase in which is, his improves and his activity; in case of exists this communications would be made according with the current data privacy laws).
The data that the forum recopilates is the data entered by the own member and the ip address of the account is detected automatically by the software. In the section Profile of the member account the member of the project have access to the information of the account and is possible edit it, the forum not make any type of modification in this data and the content of the section Profile is only responsability of the member.
The members account of this forum can be deleted anytime through the section Profile.
In the group not are imported/exported databases between their domains, nor is suppliers allowed to carry out any treatment of, or with, the personal data of members/users of the group (including the creation of profiles).

Brief evolution over time:
- Each user will must verify his account data through an account of payment processor for avoid identification problems and for the site have enough information regarding each member for to enforce the terms of use, this probably will be done giving the welcome pack through a low cost membership.

- Welcome pack initiall idea (available for users: when the members of the project ... already made the join in website).

- This is not a group of websites that operate through labor relations with its members or that include political connotations or of social movements: is a group of websites that simply will provide online resources, ... to his users.

- The websites are being improved for that their users not need have a lot of knowledge about internet for to use the resources.

- Currently when the register in the project is made the member receives an email as advance of the Privacy policy of the group of websites: Points 2 and 21 (Privacy members/users), if the oldest members of this forum want receive this email only have that delete his account and open a new account (if not activates this new account also will receive a email with information and the urls for make the join in the websites when be opened). The documents of the group of websites are the exclusive property of their domains, are used under the Copyright © and their distribution, copying or alteration not are authorized.
If not agree the contain of this points can delete his account any time.
                               ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright © group of websites (

- The rest of the documents: Privacy policy/Functioning(terms of use), ... of the group of websites, is being completed (the documents are being written in Spanish and they have validity vs any type of translation); also includes the unique conditions of the zones of the websites that will be operatives initially ... a lot of tasks (still is needed some time). This document also includes the differences between our visitors, members, member/user, user/advertiser and advertiser.
-The current Shopping zone of will be a very usefull showcase for that the users and advertisers can show his items availables (Sneakers, ... ) to the other users, visitors ... (inspired in msn).
                ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright © group of websites (

- Though always seems an endless task, the development of this project advances with good pace:
The website that will provide the welcome pack will be
This forum will stay online for that the members/users can see who is online and so they can communicate with each other through internal message center of our websites.
Users of the websites of this group ( will be able to make balance transfers between their accounts (from a website to another).
The initial prices and his rewards will be multiplied by 1.5.
Make the Join (includes details of acceptation) in the websites will provide a register bonus.

                ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright © group of websites (

April 19, 2016:
In Spanish, original text:
Con respecto al desarrollo del proyecto y la actualidad (estoy avanzando mucho):
El siguiente texto forma parte de la sección: Relaciones en nuestros websites y responsabilidades (Terms:Funct. & P.policy) y del punto nº2 de nuestra Política de privacidad.
Nuestras websites emplean emails y Bots de notificación a los usuarios con respecto a la actividad de sus cuentas, a través de estos emails y Bots pueden informar con respecto a promociones internas, colaboradores o cualquier tipo de operación que resulte de interés para los usuarios que reciban este tipo de notificación (incluido el uso de pasarelas de pago para realizar compras). Nuestros usuarios pueden seleccionar la opción que prefieran con respecto a este tipo de asunto en la sección: Polls.
                           ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright © group of websites (

Regarding the development of the project and the actuality (i'm advancing a lot of):
The following text is part of the section: Relationships on our websites and responsibilities (Terms:Funct. & P.policy) and the point 2 of our Privacy policy.
Our websites employ emails and Bots of notification to users with respect their account activity, through these emails and Bots can inform with respect to internal promotions, contributors or any type of operation that is of interest to users who receive this type of notification (includes the use of payment gateways for make purchases). Our users can select the option they prefer with respect to this type of matter in the section: Polls.
                               ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright © group of websites (

ADDED IN THE JOIN/REGISTER OF THE WEBSITES SURFINGCRAZY.INFO GROUP OF SITES (It not intended to be and not will be a script clon version) REVISED AND CORRECTED ON MAY 10, 11 and 12, 2016:
Please take a moment and read our section Terms: P.policy because with the creation of your user account you agree that you declares: to be of age, that you has read, understands and accepts the content of this document, that the use of the section: Zone of our websites is performed through their own conditions of use, that you accepts the use of our cookies, that you accepts that this website can modify and update his content, services, documents ... without previous notice and that you will have access to the totality of the document Terms:Funct.&P.policy after of activate your user account (with the use of the account declares that you has read, understands, accepts and must to comply the document Terms: Funct. & P.policy); in the case of that you not agree with the totality of the document: Terms:Funct.&P.policy can delete or cancel your account in your Panel of user (within Personal details section) anytime.
When exist changes and updates in our Terms: Funct. & P.policy will be communicated by notification to the email that figures in the personal details of each user account or internal instant private message, the changes not will be applied retroactively.
                               ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright © group of websites (

May 05, 2016 (revised and completed on May 06, 16 and 18, 2016):
THE LAUNCHING MEMBERSHIPS, availables in, and, WILL BE YEARLY (EQUAL) BUT THEIR PRICES WILL BE THE INITIALS, THEIR DOWNLINE EARNINGS (not included Sign up bonuses) WILL BE THE 6% (% that is applied to the earnings area activity of the referrals) INSTEAD OF THE 3% AND THE REWARDS ALSO WILL BE THE INITIALS (ARE CONTAINED IN THE: Terms: Funct. & P.policy) + 3% BONUS/INCENTIVE:
-Bronze: 18.68 $ ,
-Silver: 36.83 $ (provides the double of resources that bronze) and
-Gold: 54.98 $ (provides the triple of resources that bronze). This prices include the tax rate and the fee of transaction processor.
Software revised on May 18, 2016: The premium users (with membership) also be rewarded (automatically) with the 4% (FINALLY PROBABLY 2%) of the net price paid (taxes not included) by their direct referrals (unlimited) in the purchases made through processors of payments. BESIDES THESE MEMBERSHIPS WILL PROVIDE THE TRIPLE OF THE INITIALS CREDITS IN F.AD AND BANNER.

Since March 11, 2016 did exist this clause: -The initial prices and his rewards will be multiplied by 1.5, but finally not will be applied.
In the paragraph: November 14, 2015 of this register you can consult the previous details about the prices (cliking in welcome pack, color orange).
                               ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright © group of sites (

July 20, 2016:
For not make more extensive this agreetment (Above, in news, you can read a brief evolution of the project in previous):
The project is in his last phase: functionality, legal adaptation and study/choice of its legal form.
The improves of the websites are being finished and the result is very good.
The database continues to expand and the number of records awaiting urls with which to perform the join in the websites will mark the starting point of prices and rewards (in all cases the prices, that figure in the agreement of register, will exist in one website of the group, as minimum, during a reasonable time for that the Join can be made in the website/s since the day in that the project members receive the email with the urls for make it. After of that time: the prices will be updated to the current market price: prices and rewards).
The conditions of use of the Shop zone ( have been revised after of talk (few days ago) with the department of customs taxes in a city with a important port and the admin has checked that are very complete and competitive considering the casuistry that already exists in that type of sales.
This project has antimalware protection.
The current Shopping zone of is inspired in msn.

Remember that in the activation email of this forum account you will receive an foretaste of the document Terms: Funct. & P.policy, is interesting that you read it.
Not is neccesary that you activate your account and so, when the websites be opened, you will receive the email/s that will include the urls for make the Join/s.

The users will be rewarded by the websites when informs to the admin regarding a gramatic error in their texts ...
Please don't hang sexual content (the account will be deleted).

October 2016:
Currencies:, and will to use the dollar ($), the euro (€) and the pound sterling (£).

October 26, 2016:
-Recently i had a problem in that will be replaced by as hybrid option. Will use as currency the Euro (Zone Offi-services in construction) and so will have availables internal transfers between his user accounts and the user accounts of
-The website that will use the British pound (GBP) is that includes in the panel of user the option: add funds (purchase balance), also contain the Shopping zone. and (Shop zone of the group of users) also include the option Add funds (purchase balance) and their users also will have availables internal transfers between their user accounts. The currency will be the dollar.
-The prices and rewards, in the websites of the group, will be calculated independently after of the tasks performed by the admin and the results obtained.

November 3, 2016: Problems solved (were little problems) in will use the sterling pound (GBP) as currency and will have availables internal transfers between his user accounts and the user accounts of  
November 7, 2016: The problems were solved and thus will be the hybrid option of the group, the complement of regarding to the internal transfers will be in this two websites the cashout will be made through a membership.

November 14, 2016: The fiscal adaptation of the project is possible and satisfactory. The emails that the members already registered in the project will receive (as notice of the completion of the current phase ...) will include information that will indicate, to those who wish to make purchases: which web of the group to choose regarding the location and taxes of the user (examples: The purchases made in not include consumption tax (VAT) because the sales of the website is destined to users of countries of the European Union (except Spain) who are professionals or companies,
- The purchases made in not include consumption tax (VAT) because the sales of the website are destined to users of third countries (that not belong to the European Union); each website has his destine of sales).
- The purchases made in include the consumption tax (VAT) in his final price because the sales of the website are destined to users of countries of the European Union that not are companies or professionals ...

November 18, 2016: Next step: the tax issue motivates that be restructured the initial idea of the welcome pack, the memberships ... (the solution will be included in the emails that will be send to the members already registered in the project, already exists a solution but still are pending of be ended various things previous). Between and not is possible that exist internal transfers by the destination of the sales of this websites.

November 30, 2016: Included in the websites of the group:
The documents of the group (privacy policy, rules of use, ... ) and the functioning (indications of use in the different sections) are definitives and only are susceptible of to include changes for to be improved, when an error is detected or when exist a necessity (novelties).

December 09, 2016: For to avoid rumors: this project only belongs to Victor Alvarez.

Small novelties:
Part of the content of the point 1 of the privacy policy:
Please note that in all the websites of the group will there are two types of users:
- those who use the website and make the tasks of positioning for to get balance
- and those who also make purchases though the processors of payments (more information in the points 18 and 25 of the privacy policy). includes software that allows it to create a list of countries whose users must be premium users (with membership) to perform Cashout (withdrawal).
His Cashout section will include this list of countries.

In all websites of the group will be possible make purchases in the Zones of the rest of websites (of the group) according with the destination of their sales and his taxation (discarted idea to avoid tax problems).

In not will be available the section Converter (welcome pack issue). probably also will have availables the memberships launching and not will be needed be a premium user (with membership) for to make Cashout (withdrawal).

January 04, 2017:
Included in the panel of the user account:
* Account navigation: each section works independently and some are related to each other.
* In the texts included in the software of this website, in the emails/notifications ... that in this website are originated exist small misspelling (his instead of its, per example), some phrases include a personal pronoun instead a impersonal pronoun, also can exist some error in a verbal tense or small similar errors. Although the context or the meaning of the phrase not varies thinks that you must know it (Victor Alvarez wrote the texts during the improvement of this website).
Inform to: admin (through of the Internal messaging center: instant message) regarding the existence and location of the spelling mistake will be rewarded with 200 credits of Featured Banner Ad: Rotation Views (230x200px).

January 09, 2017:
Targeting of the user accounts (Country/Location of user): Users who request it will be able to customize the targeting of their user account. It will be free for premium users and will be made through the purchase of a Crazy-special in the case of standard users.
For that a location of users (ads destination) appears in the Country List/Locations,  to which the ads can be directed (skew of targetings), must will have more than 100 users. This is important when the advertisers want that their website positioning tasks, etc. to be done by users of the same location, when the advertisers only want to direct their ads/advertising to certain locations ...

January 21, 2017:
The websites of the group do not share the improvements (©) made in their software by the project administrator (developer): Víctor Alvarez, because their purpose is to improve its operation and therefore make unique the experiences of its users. After the opening of the websites of the group will study the feasibility of the hypothetical activity of the website

An hypothetical example of the functioning of the websites with respect to the consumption tax (VAT) already has been commented on November 14, 2016 but still not exist a definitive address for the future activity (the destination of the sales of each website will be communicated inside the protocol for the creation/activation of user accounts).

February 18, 2017:
Some more information:
Another of the objectives of the optimization of the websites of the group is the elimination of the doubts that, apparently, could arise with respect to the possibilities of that the websites could be damaged through the user accounts and to hypothetical detours to other servers that supposedly would work in background.

As for the facet of promoter: currently has no place in the project, a communication protocol is being developed to replace it.

The privacy policy and the functioning of the websites also advances satisfactorily with respect to the needs and concerns that exist today.

March 6, 2017: Is important that you know that: The websites and their forums not make any type of transformation in the communications that send and neither in the messages that can be send with their software for transform them in encrypted message, therefore the websites of the group and their forums complies with the laws in force. The websites and their forums will be encrypted by SSL certificated or similar protection.
Improves: process through which the sections and pages of the websites of the group will include the information and elements necessary so that when the users use them they obtain a high level of satisfaction.

March 8, 2017: The memberships section already has been improved also. Regarding the credits: The big number of registers in the project motivate that now the launching memberships include various benefits more: tickets for the contests section, a weekly bonus of featured ad credits and a monthly bonus of banner credits.

March 21, 2017: Part of the point 26 of the privacy policy (in Spanish, original text), revised on March 22:

Con respecto a las comunicaciones internas esta política de privacidad deja claro que:
Las comunicaciones non se realizan ni almacenan de manera cifrada.
Cuando usted utiliza los websites del grupo y sus foros es conocedor y por lo tanto acepta y consiente la existencia de la posibilidad de que sus comunicaciones personales puedan llegar a ser intervenidas por parte de los estados cuya legislación incluya este tipo de obligación de consentimiento sin que los websites del grupo puedan oponerse a ello. Este tipo de acción es llevada a cabo de manera ajena a los websites ya que los websites del grupo cuentan con las medidas de protección contra hackers ... que usted puede leer en la sección home de el o los websites en donde sea usuario. Los websites del grupo están alojados en una cuenta de hosting norteamericana y cada uno de ellos registra los datos de acceso a las cuentas de usuario y su actividad mediante el ip desde el que el usuario accede. El uso de los centros de mensajes privados internos y foros genera información que posibilita la identificación del usuario que genera actividad en el mismo.

March 24, 2017: Sales destination of each websites of the group: the organization of the websites according with the existing destinations for their sales is an issue that advances per good way and (GBP), destined to users of third countries: that not belong to the European Union, also will provide to their user the welcome pack membership with the initial price.
Although still missing time for that all current tasks be ended is IMPORTANT THAT YOU KNOW THAT:
The first members of this forum that will receive the urls for make their Join in the websites of the group will be the members with accounts not actives. The websites that will be availables, exclusively for this, will be, and Later this users will can make the Join of the rest of members of this forum, for that they receive the urls of activation of their user accounts, buying packages that will provide the data of members that will be part of their downline (approximate minimum investment: 25$). This packages only will provide the necessary data for make this task and not will can be used with other objective.
In this way the group of websites will can have money for begin his activity and the members that choose this initial option already will have referrals for get earnings in their user accounts.

Date of express acceptance of the existence of datapackages.

April 07, 2017: Part of the point 24 of the privacy policy (in Spanish, original text), revised on April 10:
Los websites del grupo ( defienden el concepto de seguridad de marca y en consecuencia optan por no permitir:
- la colocación de anuncios con contenido xenófobo o que hagan apología del terrorismo
- el uso de los websites con la finalidad de propagar dichos contenidos
- la distribución (reenvío ...), copia o alteración de los correos electrónicos, notificaciones y mensajes instantáneos privados internos que los usuarios reciban procedentes de los websites del grupo o en su interior.
Además aquellos usuarios que avisen al admin del website a través de los botones Support/Contact (Subject: Brand safety) o Report (Reason: Brand safety) con respecto a la existencia de anuncios o usos cuya finalidad es la propagación de conductas o contenidos xenófobos o que hagan apología del terrorismo serán recompensados con 0.10 unidades monetarias del website en cuestión por cada anuncio o cuenta de usuario eliminados (el ingreso de la recompensa será realizado de manera que genere la anotación correspondiente en la actividad de la cuenta del usuario recompensado).

Important: the proposed made on January 09, 2017 not is possible, the Targeting (ads destinations) of the user accounts will works per countries.

April 24, 2017:
Destination of the sales of the websites of the group:
- Users of third countries (that not belong to the European Union): ($), ($), (GBP: £), (GBP: £) 0% of Vat
- Users of countries of the European Union (except Spain) who are professionals or companies: (€) 0% of Vat
- Users of countries of the European Union that not are companies or professionals: (€) 21% of Vat
-, still not decided
- not improved

Point 27 of the privacy policy (in Spanish, original text), revised (May 22, 2017):
Realización de tareas y contratación de servicios a terceros:
Este grupo de websites es consciente de la importancia que tiene la privacidad de los usuarios y anunciantes, además es conocedor de la necesidad existente con respecto a un tratamiento correcto de los datos que los miembros/usuarios y anunciantes proporcionan a los websites (bases de datos), es por este motivo por lo que su información de miembro/usuario solamente podrá ser facilitada (parcialmente) en el caso de que sea necesaria la realización de tareas por parte de los miembros/usuarios o encargar servicios a terceras partes: los datos que se facilitarán serán únicamente los imprescindibles para la realización de la tarea o servicio. En el caso de los miembros/usuarios las tareas se realizarán de acuerdo a las instrucciones/normas internas para su realización y en el caso de la externalización de servicios solo podrán optar a su realización aquellas personas o entidades que acepten cumplir medidas indemnizatorias (según el caso: al propietario del website/s, a los usuarios del website/s o a ambos) por incumplimiento del contrato mediante el cual el website/s encargue los servicios externos, también deberán aceptar responsabilidades por los daños que se pudieran producir en los websites y por la obtención de beneficios ajenos a los websites a través de el/los contrato/s existente/s entre las partes, si tales circunstancias se produjeran.

Revised the issue of the packages of data for make Joins and information about it:
The first members of this forum that will receive the urls for make their Join in the websites of the group will be the members with accounts not actives.
The websites that will be availables, exclusively for this, will be, and (in they only is possible to request Cashout from the same country in where the Join/Register of the user account was made, this is detected by the software of the website when Cashout requests are processed, when the user tries to Cashout from another country: the website generates a notice indicating to the user that must contact with the admin to clarify the reason of that request).
Later these users will can make the Join of the rest of members of this forum (in, and buying packages that will provide the username and email of members that will be part of their downline once they activate their user account through the url that they will receive for this. Approximate minimum investment: 25$. Keep in mind that the members of this forum will can be user in all websites of the group but only will make purchases according the destination of the sales of the websites. This will be taken into account when the prices will be fixed.
The data not will can be used with other objective ... will exist rules of use.

April 27, 2107: Part of the content of point 16 of the privacy policy (apparently exist debates about it). In Spanish, original text:
Este grupo de websites no está en contra del uso de imágenes capturadas en lugares públicos ni de la exhibición de obras mostradas en lugares públicos ya que la finalidad o objetivo de su ubicación es conseguir que sean vistas. Es por el mismo motivo por el que los websites del grupo tampoco están en contra del uso de imágenes obtenidas a través de búsquedas en buscadores como google, bing u otros ya que su uso también tiene como objetivo el conseguir que sean visualizadas.

Los websites del grupo proporcionan, gratuitamente, a todos sus usuarios las herramientas de promoción que están disponibles en la sección de la cuenta de usuario: Tools for promote. El uso de los websites y foros del grupo está permitido desde cualquier tipo de dispositivo (recuerde que el único responsable del uso de la cuenta de usuario es el propio usuario).

May 20, 2017: The improves already are being reviewed and tested.
May 27, 2017: It seem that the number of registers has dropped significantly. Hi, this is the temporary situation of the project:
Currently the improves are being tested, is possible commented as examples:
- functioning of the websites: very good
- satisfaction of use: high
- overall rating: robust
- conditions of use of the shop zone: very good
- processing of purchases: very good.
Here is when this question is made: Then, when the opened of the websites?
for that the group of websites be opened (his reason of being, ultimate goal, is to be the professional or business activity of the admin) are needed two things mainly (already i am doing those improves):
- that the privacy policy be finished together with the improves in the websites that the privacy policy requires
- that the orders generated with the use of the section point store and the requests of the internal transfers (between the accounts of the same user in the websites of the group that use the same currency) be executed without that be needed that the statistics of user account be manipulated by a person. This i already was got and will appear included in the functioning of the different sections of the websites (information, indications and rules of use).
Once the websites of the group include this is when they will have a high value of security and competitiveness so that the loading phase of the databases of the websites can be realized.
Do not be discouraged, simply just make your register and wait (although they take time things always are made).

July 6, 2017: Fortunately already exist legislations and normatives that must be applied to the websites: the websites of the group and their documents are being adapted to these regulations. Is convenient that since now this forum only be used for the register in the project.

July 20, 2017: Included in the point 21, in the paragraph of the right of Opposition, the point 27 of the privacy policy.
July 21, 2017: For to avoid confusions: added in the point 25 of the privacy policy the phrase (in spanish, original text): Dentro del grupo de websites el concepto transferencia interna (internal transfer) contiene el resto de las posibilidades de uso del saldo de la cuenta de usuario, que proporciona el software de los websites.
Included the concept Know-how in the point 24 of the privacy policy: Copyrights (©) & brand safety concept.

July 29, 2017: About the integration of the project (original text, in Spanish). Privacy policy Point 22. DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROJECT, SECTION POLLS, CONCEPT BIG DATA AND PROTECTION OF CONSUMERS AND USERS: (Revised on July 31, 2017: For avoid sanctions the creation of the user accounts not will can be made previously to the open of the websites and the packages of data for to create the user accounts of other members of the will be availables through the Crazy-specials when the websites already be open.)
El proyecto del grupo de websites ha sido desarrollado mediante el registro de los miembros impulsores del proyecto en el foro Los websites del grupo incluyen esta política de privacidad y el functioning (indicaciones, instrucciones y reglas de uso) de sus secciones para que su uso esté regulado y por lo tanto también incluyan las mejoras necesarias en su operatividad que posibiliten que a través de ellos sea posible ejercer una actividad profesional o empresarial (by part of the owner of the website, specified per if exists doubts).
A través de la sección Polls (encuestas) cada website obtiene información facilitada, de manera voluntaria, por sus usuarios (eligiendo una opción en cada pregunta o consulta) con el objetivo de mejorar las experiencias, optimizar su configuración, saber que sección gusta más, ... . La sección Polls solamente genera la información o estadísticas que muestra y al igual que el resto de secciones no envía datos/información a terceras partes.
El concepto big data tiene cabida dentro del grupo de websites (incluyendo sus foros) ya que en dicho concepto se ubica el volumen de datos que los miembros y usuarios del grupo introducen en él y que como tal pueden ser manejados para mejorar las experiencias de los usuarios del grupo de websites. Los datos que forman el big data del grupo no son usados con el fin de personalizar los contenidos de publicidad que se muestra a los usuarios dentro de su cuenta, en los websites del grupo son los propios usuarios/anunciantes quienes configuran los anuncios y los destinos de los mismos.
El contenido de esta política de privacidad deja clara la manera en la que los datos de los miembros/usuarios del grupo pueden ser usados/tratados de acuerdo con las legislaciones vigentes.
Las diferencias que existen hoy en día en el equipamiento de los dispositivos hacen que algunos de ellos no lean partes del lenguaje que incluye el software del grupo de manera que, por ejemplo, pueden existir diferencias de visualización en los tamaños de letras, separaciones, ... .
La labor de desarrollo del proyecto por parte de Víctor Álvarez ha sido realizada con el objetivo previo de que la totalidad del contenido de los websites consiga hacer que su uso sea una experiencia completa, positiva, segura y confiable a la vez que se cumplen las legislaciones vigentes y sin olvidar los derechos básicos de los consumidores/usuarios. Es por este motivo por el que el software de los websites y foros ha sido testado por el propio desarrollador del proyecto durante varios años tras los cuales ha podido comprobar que su uso no genera ningún tipo de problema de salud o seguridad. Asimismo el grupo de websites ha sido desarrollado teniendo en cuenta la protección de los intereses económicos y sociales de sus consumidores/usuarios, huyendo de prácticas comerciales desleales e incluyendo claridad de funcionamiento en todo su contenido (incluidos sus artículos y documentos). Con respecto a indemnizaciones de daños y reparación de perjuicios esta política de privacidad deja claro a través de su contenido y de este punto en concreto que no existe dicha posibilidad ya que el uso del grupo de websites se realiza de manera voluntaria por parte de sus visitantes y usuarios después de haber sido testados; en el hipotético caso de que alguien crea o piense que el uso del grupo de websites (incluidos sus foros) es perjudicial para su salud simplemente debe dejar de usarlo. Todas las secciones de los websites proporcionan información sobre su funcionamiento e incluso algunas incluyen diferentes indicaciones, instrucciones y reglas de uso para facilitar el aprendizaje del usuario y el conocimiento sobre su adecuado uso, consumo y/o disfrute. El uso de los websites del grupo (incluyendo los foros habilitados para el uso de las cuentas que proporcionan las membresías launching) permite a sus miembros/usuarios modificar/actualizar sus datos siempre que quieran y hacer uso de los derechos de anulación, rectificación, cancelación y oposición tal y como se recoge en esta política de privacidad y de acuerdo con la ley. Este documento también informa de manera clara con respecto a las hipotéticas reclamaciones que se podrían originar.

August 4, 2017: Current situation: The final assembly of the project in the websites of the group is being somewhat complicated but the result is good again: the facet of promoter is good because after of some trainings (although with very few means, maybe it's time for a new helper) the form of the admin is good (against the clock & cyclocross), the functioning of the sections and the documents of the group of websites are effectives and legal and regarding the opinions:

Currently, exist opinions that defines to the websites of the group as: webs that will allow to their users make front to the new needs that arise online, because their software provide them:

* detailed explanations of the functioning in all sections of the website,
* capacity of manage his own ads and campaigns,
* capacity of reaction in search engines (visibility & positioning),
* communications instant and privates,
* capacity of generates balances,
* capacity of make different types of purchases,
* participation in internal games and contests,
* easy withdrawal of Balance,
* internal maneuverability in the user account for make changes of balances per items/products,
* capacity of manage the balances,
* a section with the details of the products purchased by the user (including the date detailed of the purchase: Month day, year / hour:minute:second)
* use of a own and specific privacy policy
* Advancing much for that you can enjoy them and check their particularities.,,,,,,, and

* Example of results: ...

                  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright © group of websites (

Included in the privacy policy of the group of websites, in Spanish (original text):

Point 1. FILING:
El volumen de cuentas de los miembros (impulsores del proyecto) del foro podrá ser transformado en cuentas de usuario de los websites del grupo mediante la compra de paquetes de datos (de acuerdo con el punto 27 de esta política de privacidad) para que las cuentas que los usuarios compradores de datos creen formen parte de su downline (referidos). Los paquetes de datos y las instrucciones de uso están disponibles en la sección Crazy-specials. Los miembros del foro serán avisados por email con respecto a la puesta en marcha de los websites del grupo y de la posibilidad de la compra de los paquetes de

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**********If really you want take adventage fully the functioning of the group of websites and forums the most important that you must make is know at detail the document of the group: Terms (conditions of use) & Privacy policy, because so will be as you will know the totality of the options of get money, ... that the group is providing to you.**********